Built with our same mapping technology, Job Sectors allows you to view jobs grouped by sector. 26 job sectors mapped to over 350 occupations lets your students see potential careers in their area of interest. Use as a careers resource with your current students to help them research and understand future career options.
When you embed Pathways into one of your course pages, its power is in instantly mapping your course to over 100 possible jobs, showing routes through higher education. All based on real data showing current and future employment prospects. And this works really well where courses have a predominant HE route.
What we always wanted to solve were the instances where a course didn't have a natural route into HE. For more vocational courses and qualifications where progression into a career was much more immediate.
We still wanted to offer students the same depth of related occupations, labour market information and employment options all linked to that particular subject. But rather than based on HE data, to have an immediate relationship between the subject being viewed and the variety of related jobs in that sector.
There is no single source of destination data for students leaving Further Education. For Higher Education we have HESA who gather and correlate all of this data, however unfortunately there is no FESA.
Such a need now exists in FE and so perhaps the time has come for the establishment of a Further Education Statistics Authority, or “FESA”.
In his article 'HE has a HESA – why can’t FE have a FESA?' on FE Week, Andy Norman echoes our own views.
So rather than being able to map common occupations for vocational courses and subjects through FE destination data, we had to develop our own system for mapping.
Custom mapping
Through detailed research examining how various education bodies and systems (such as the 15 T-levels routes, the Learn Direct Classification System, or the JACS principle subjects codes) manage subject categorisation, we developed a set of 26 job sectors to which we've mapped the 369 occupations in the Standard Occupation Classification.
This, for instance, enables colleges to embed a version of Pathways on a Construction course with the Job Sector set to 'Building Trades'. Which highlights 21 possible occupations in the job sector - such as carpenters, electricians or plumbers - and highlights key labour market information and employment predictions for each occupation.
Students can instantly see possible earnings, future job prospects and watch a video of someone doing this job. Plus there is a live feed of current vacancies for this job, in your region. Which enables students to get an instant view of the current job market.
Pathways also flags up related job sectors, to help students investigate possible areas that are related but perhaps on the edge of their radar. Which makes it a discovery tool, too.
Study routes
Furthermore, where people in a particular occupation commonly hold a degree level qualification (or higher), Pathways automatically switches on the progression route function and allows students to see what courses people commonly take to achieve that job. From A Levels and BTECs through to a Degree.
For instance when looking at becoming an Architect, Pathways shows 4 common progression routes with further details on where you can study for that particular degree.

A careers resource
As well as bringing a huge amount of high quality LMI into your college's course pages, Pathways Job Sectors now becomes much more of a careers resource for current students.
You can embed Pathways Job Sectors in your Careers pages where your careers and IAG team can help current students research their areas of interest. To discover jobs based on things they like doing, all supported with thorough and high quality employment data from reputable sources.
Or you can use at Open Days to engage with prospective students and their parents.
A version of Pathways Job Sectors can be embedded where all job sectors are listed. Putting the freedom in your students' hands to research and discover possible careers.