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Pathways Explore

A searchable careers library in your website.

Pathways Explore helps you engage with prospective students by taking a careers-first approach.

Not all students know the right course to study. Pathways Explore helps students explore over 800 different careers with detailed information about the role, salary and employment data whilst linking right through to your courses.

How it works


Students can search over 800 different careers or browse by job sector


Taking the Profile Quiz helps find careers matching their interests


Each career contains information about the role, salary and future employment


Related courses are highlighted to ensure students continue to your course pages

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Seamless integration in your website

Explore is designed to be embedded into a single full page of your website. Its simple layout and colour customisation allows for seamless integration with your website. Course page URL's are mapped to the underlying system allowing Explore to link directly from occupations to relevant course pages.

Promotes courses by mapping them to careers

For students who are unsure of what courses they might want to take, Explore offers a careers first approach. Our automatic careers to courses mapping technology means that students can find the careers they are interested in and Explore will highlight the related courses you offer.

The Profile Quiz finds careers matching a student's interests

The Profile quiz allows you to engage early with students and get them interested in thinking about which careers might be right for them. A series of 30 simple multiple choice questions determine a student's personal attributes which are applied to six different personality types. On completion students find out their personality type and which jobs would be suited to them.

Use as a CIAG resource with your students

Pathways Explore is a great resource to start your students getting excited about careers. It's a light touch tool with no registration or login barriers. Students can immediately find out about jobs without having to navigate their way through complex careers tools. It gets straight to the point and can even link to courses you offer.

Raise awareness of a huge variety of careers

A student's experience of careers is often limited to the people they know and the jobs those people do. Pathways Explore is a careers library of over 800 job roles. Students can take a quiz to find out more about what careers might be suited to them or search careers by sector. Each job role includes a detailed description as well Labour Market Information allowing students to broaden horizons and understand what's available to them.

Helps fulfil Gatsby Benchmarks and Ofsted's careers criteria

Good career guidance is essential and your use of Pathways will help fulfil some of the criteria set out by the government relating to labour market information, linking curriculum to careers and highlighting routes to FE and HE.

Simple yet powerful

Help prospective students and their parents discover new career options

Showcase your institution as a destination linked to future careers

Displays up-to-date careers data and labour market information for over 850 careers

Our careers mapping system uses data from high quality sources such as National Careers Service and O*Net

Customisable colours to match with your own brand

Fully responsive design to work across all device sizes, wherever you place it in your website

The Explore feature is a real asset to our website and an incredibly useful tool for both our potential and current students. It helps them map out their routes to success by linking the courses we provide with the careers they aspire to.

The pathways tool is fantastic. It is easy to use and shows students where the qualifications they are studying can take them in the future.

Used by over 120 education institutions

Askham Bryan College
Logo havant
Logo exeter
Logo buxtonleek
Logo boltonsfc
Logo newcitycollege
Logo priestley
Logo strode
Logo stbrendans
Logo hopwood
Logo southessex
Warrington and Vale Royal College

Pathways is an integral part of West London College’s strategy of offering careers, not just courses.

View case study

Adding Explore to your website.


We already hold all of your courses and have them mapped to careers, through your use of Pathways One or Pathways Graduate


This course to career mapping is automatic, however you always have the option to make adjustments


You create a new page on your website for Explore to reside


Use the provided embed code to add Explore to your website

Want to know more?

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How to buy

Simple and affordable annual pricing based on your number of full-time students. Schools have an individual price. Get full access to the products your institution needs.

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Try for free

We offer a no obligation one month free trial with no upfront payment required. We'll set you up with a free account during which time you'll have full access.

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