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Pathways Graduate

Prospective students want to see graduate destinations

Use Pathways Graduate to highlight the career potential of your courses.

Driven by your university’s graduate data, Pathways embeds seamlessly into each of your website course pages to automatically show the range of careers your graduates do, with details on salary and employment.

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Seamlessly integrates into your university website

Pathways Graduate embeds seamlessly into your website and displays careers-rich information and progression data alongside your existing content. Simply embed using a course's kiscourseid and use our customisation tools to make it feel like part of your website.

Evidence how degree qualifications improve career prospects

With students clearly thinking about career potential when studying an HE course, Pathways Graduate helps to reassure them that your courses can lead to the career they aspire to and validate their reason for going to university.

Demonstrate multiple career options and transferable skills

A student's experience of careers is often limited to the people they know and the jobs those people do. Pathways Graduate shows career paths that real students have taken from courses they are interested in. It helps illustrate the multiple options that are available to them having studied those courses.

Insights and measuring performance

A comprehensive suite of reports allow you to track usage and discover how Pathways is being used on your website. Find out which careers have been viewed most and from which courses.

Engage prospective students and their parents

Pathways Graduate helps students and their parents decide on course choices by illustrating how they link to careers. It helps students determine a career path and shows them the progression options available to them.

No maintenance required

Using our unique automatic mapping system, management of Pathways Graduate is easy. Once embedded in your site it will always display the correct progression mapping information for each of your courses.

Accurate data sources

Our careers data platform works hard to map numerous sources of reputable and high quality data including HESA and JISC's Graduate Outcomes dataset, ONS data, LEO dataset and the National Careers Service.

Inspire Widening Participation students

By clearly illustrating potential career paths and salary information you can help evidence that enroling in your university can improve career prospects and enable widening participation students to level up with their more advantaged peers.

Customisation ready

Easy to use customisation tools allow you to change the Pathways colours to fit with your brand. Ensure you’re displaying the richest data, with options to choose either national outcome data or your institution’s own data.

Combine Graduate with Explore

Graduate links to Explore

When Pathways Graduate and Pathways Explore are both used on your website, the careers shown in Graduate are automatically linked to Explore where students can get a detailed view of the career.

More about Explore

Simple yet powerful

Presents graduate information on a course specific basis

Displays information on top employers for each course

Includes information on over 800 different careers

Based on real data from Graduate Outcomes dataset, ONS and the National Careers Service

Customise colours to match your college brand - feels like part of your website

Incredibly lightweight so has very little bearing on page load

Simple to embed by using your course KISCOURSEIDs

Ensures your prospective audience understands career progression opportunities from your courses

Switch between your institution's data and national data

Pathways seamlessly integrates with our course pages, offering prospective students a comprehensive and engaging way to explore their future career options.

Used by over 120 education institutions

Loughborough University
University of Dundee
University of Bradford
University of Stirling

University of Bradford x Pathways – empowering students to explore their futures

View case study

What your IT team need to know

Pathways Graduate is simple to add, lightweight and accessible.


Pathways Graduate is embedded in your website template using a single line of HTML and a script tag. The embed code will include the course's KISCOURSEID which we combine with your UKPRN to retrieve relevant data.

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Pathways doesn't interfere with your page loading. We set our Javascript to be non-blocking to ensure your page loads irrespective of our code. Our loader script is small in file size, at only 21KB.


Pathways Graduate has been built and tested to comply with accessibility regulations WCAG 2.1 AA. The code is semantic and streamlined, the layout adapts to device size and you are in control of colour contrast.

Want to know more?

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How to buy

Simple and affordable annual pricing based on your number of full-time students. Schools have an individual price. Get full access to the products your institution needs.

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Try for free

We offer a no obligation one month free trial with no upfront payment required. We'll set you up with a free account during which time you'll have full access.

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