In a big update to Pathways this week we have extended the tool to cater for your HE and Apprenticeship courses. The data mapping was always working behind the scenes to inform progression from your Level 3 courses, however we have now made available new versions of the widget specifically for these courses.
In the last few months we have been working to extend Pathways further, giving you the flexibility to map to all of your different course types. Recently we launched an update to map to your Vocational courses and this week we have launched the ability to create a version of the Pathways widget for your Higher Education courses and Apprenticeships.
The Higher Education version of Pathways allows you to generate a widget selecting from over 140 different HE subjects. The version mapping to Apprenticeships gives you options to select from over 430 Apprenticeship Standards.
Data mapping
Much of the work to map progression data and careers to HE and Apprenticeship standards was already in place through previous work we had done, however we needed to develop the ability for you to embed these specific versions of Pathways in your course pages.
Within your Pathways admin area you can now select to generate a version of Pathways that maps to:
- A Levels
- Vocational courses
- Higher Education courses
- Apprenticeship standards
We also have the Job Sector version of Pathways and the standalone version called Pathways Solo.