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Examples of our careers data and infographics out in the wild

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The Pathways Infographics allow you to take our careers information and engage with students away from your website, on social media and in the classroom.

As part of a webinar we ran earlier in the year for the College Marketing Network, we showcased some of the uses for our Infographics and careers data. We thought it would be great to highlight some of their uses and see how some colleges are using them to support discussions around careers.


On Twitter we see colleges our social media cards to start conversations around careers to show progression from their courses.

Hopwood Hall College promoting a Dental Nurse course
Hopwood Hall College promoting a Dental Nurse course
Chelmsford College ran a summer campaign showing a career a day
Chelmsford College ran a summer campaign showing a career a day


Havant & South Down’s College make great use of our social media cards to create career-focussed posts. Pro tip - we now offer square infographics that work great on Instagram!

Havant & South Downs College using our social media cards on Instagram
Havant & South Downs College using our social media cards on Instagram

Prospectuses and course leaflets

Moulton College used our social media cards to highlight the careers you could do following their courses

Moulton leaflet

Chelmsford College use our careers data in their prospectuses. They’ve extracted some of the careers data out of Pathways and are using against their own branding to fit into their prospectus design.

Chelmsford prosectus

A4 posters

Selby College find our infographic posters are a great resource when engaging with school students around careers.

We use the posters when going into schools to be able to show students what the average wage looks like and what qualifications they might need in order to have a career within a certain industry.

Let us know how you’re using the Pathways Infographics and careers data. It would be great to share with others.

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